An Introduction: To A "Semi-Crunchy" Mom

Posted by Sarah Ternes on

Hi and welcome to Witch Hazel Market! 

I am Sarah and this homestead venture is my brain-child.  I am in Kansas in USDA growing zone 6B. 

The start of this was leaving a relationship and essentially starting over with my two daughters, my dog and my cat. I bought a house. I bought a car. I furnished my entire living room with $80 and a couple of gifts from my best friend. I live paycheck to paycheck for the most part, somehow always managing to make things work out. You know, “the millennial dream”. 

I believe in thrift stores, Dollar Tree and Aldi. I am a self-proclaimed “semi-crunchy mom”. A breastfeeding advocate, a bed-sharing, cloth diapering, tie-dye loving, patchouli wearing hippie to some.

I love to cook. Feeding people is a deeply ingrained part of my personal love language. A trait I believe I inherited from my grandmother, Doris. Show up at my house and you’ll end up staying for a meal and leaving with something for later. 

Plants bring me such joy and peace. My living room looks like a jungle with my Macho Fern in the corner, a bay window filled to the brim with pots of various things and my photos hanging from the ceiling. My favorite accomplishment with our new house so far is the front flower beds (shout-out to my bestie and her wonderful dad for making it all happen). 

I have a lot of things in the works. Urban homesteading, chickens, possibly ducks, definitely a garden. Home improvements, crafting, parenting, herding cats (literally, we just got two new kittens), and cooking up a storm. I hope you want to follow along as I work on healing, personal growth and learning new things!